Music School of Delaware to host Classical Café May 9
The Music School of Delaware will feature Classical Café as part of its virtual offerings, at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 9.
The program will feature a lecture by Donna Beech about Ann Wyeth McCoy. Daughter of N.C. Wyeth, sister of Andrew Wyeth and wife of painter John McCoy, Ann Wyeth McCoy was the musician of the Wyeth family, as well as a painter.
Largely for solo piano, her compositions are beautiful, sensitive-tone poems evocative of various facets of her life, her father's paintings, her beloved family, and special events or moods.
This lecture-recital will explore her compositions and art.
Cost is $10 per session. To register and view the complete schedule of virtual music events, go to For more information call 302-762-1132.