The Ladies Expo and Luncheon organizing committee are (l-r) Margaret Mary Loftus, aka Em Squared, Karin Harmon, Chief Natosha Carmine, Tyniece Norwood and Fel Norwwod.
Steven Billups
April 21, 2018
Past Nanticoke Council Member Howard Jackson chats with sponsor USAA’s Rodney Wright.
Margaret Mary Loftus, aka Em Squared, presented her talk in the Socratic method, having a conversation with the audience. She asked questions such as “What matters to you and what makes a difference? When you were little what did you want to be when grew up? As she asked the questions she moved throughout the audience, getting their input.
The 6th Annual Ladies Expo and Luncheon was held April 14 at the CHEER in Georgetown. Hosted by the Nanticoke Indain Association, the event featured nonprofit vendors, lunch and keynote speaker Margaret Mary Loftus, aka Em Squared. Loftus’s theme was “Unchain My Heart.”