
New Delaware resident shares recent epiphany

December 20, 2024

Once a week, especially when we are riding bikes, my husband will say to me, “When does our vacation end?”

We have been lucky for many years to vacation in this area. The good news is we have lived in the Lewes area now for over two years.

Recently, I had a strong epiphany. This is my home. I am very responsible for the quality of the schools, trash along so many back roads, the preservation of the trees, the environment.

This responsibility requires me to ask such questions: Why do builders have to take down all the trees to develop a new community? Who receives the profits for those trees? Yes, the destruction of the trees and litter along the roads is heartbreaking to me.

My intent is not to sound like I am preaching. I completely understand the desire to live here in Lewes and surrounding towns. My purpose is to look at Delaware through a different lens; the lens that Delaware is now our permanent home, not the other states we have moved from. And we are responsible for our home of Delaware.

Joyce Getty 


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