
News Briefs 10/25/22

October 25, 2022
Activists plan virtual press conference

Groups opposed to the Bioenergy Devco project near Seaford will hold a virtual press conference at 10 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 26. To access the conference, go to The event is scheduled to take place the same day as a Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control virtual public hearing on permits for the proposed poultry-waste. recycling plant. Go to for more information on the hearing.

Participants in the conference include Greg Layton, Food & Water Watch; Maria Payan, Sussex Health & Environmental Network; Dustyn Thompson, Sierra Club; Charito Calvachi-Mateyko, Delaware Civil Rights Coalition; Victor Urquiza, community advocate; and Shweta Arya, Delaware Interfaith Power & Light.

Hearing on Bioenergy Devco is Oct. 26

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will hold a virtual public hearing at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 26, on the proposed expansion by Bioenergy Devco of its existing composting facility near Seaford to recycle poultry waste into organic soil amendment and biogas. The project will need multiple DNREC permits. The permit applications, registration and connection information can be found at

Those who have preregistered will be able to offer comments on the permit applications to be entered into the public record. Comments can also be made in writing at the website.

Detailed information about the project and hearing – with English, Spanish and Haitian Creole versions – made at a previous DNREC virtual community workshop on Sept. 28 is also available at

Lewes mayor, council to meet Oct. 27

Lewes Mayor and City Council will meet at 9 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 27, in City Hall. Officials will discuss amendments to city code regarding annexation zones, the fee schedule for rentals, and the fiscal year 2023 budget.

Councilwoman Candace Vessella will give an update on the city-wide parking study following the budget discussion.

Discussions will include adopting the state voter registration for municipal elections, a commercial recreation policy for city parks, and the Great Marsh Master Plan.

See the meeting agenda and link at

Lewes BPW meeting slated for Oct. 26

The Lewes Board of Public Works will meet at 4 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 26, at City Hall.

Board members will discuss and possibly vote on the renewal of the AMP Efficiency Smart program, a request to provide sewer to 1302/1304 Savannah Road, the casing of well No. 1, and setting a date for a special meeting that will include accepting the bid to build water and sewer services in Donovan Smith Manufactured Home Park.

Officials will also continue to talk about what to charge AT&T for building 5G infrastructure on BPW poles.

See the meeting agenda and link at

Dewey planning and zoning to meet

The Dewey Beach Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing and meeting at 4:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 4, at the Lifesaving Station, 1 Dagsworthy Ave. Members will discuss and possibly vote on an ordinance and conditional-use permit and an application for a restaurant permit of compliance to expand the conditional use for the Dewey Beach Country Club.

For the full agenda and meeting link, go to

LWVDE to sponsor virtual candidates debate Oct. 27

The League of Women Voters of Delaware will sponsor a Candidates Night virtual debate for U.S. House of Representatives at 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 27. Candidates will participate from their own home or office.

These forums provide the opportunity to learn where the candidates stand on issues of major concern. Questions will be fielded prior to the event. Members of the public may email questions for the candidates to; the deadline is Oct. 26. The League of Women Voters will moderate the debates. The forum will be available in its entirety on the websites and soon after the event.

The League of Women Voters is required to abide by regulations of the Federal Elections Commission, the Federal Communications Commission and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service for nonpartisan groups sponsoring appearances of candidates for elective office. Consequently, should only one candidate for a particular office be present, the organization cannot provide the opportunity for him or her to address the audience. For details and the meeting link, go to

Green infrastructure committee to meet

The Rehoboth Beach Green Infrastructure Committee will meet at 10 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 27, in the commissioners room of city hall, 229 Rehoboth Ave. The agenda calls for a presentation by Dr. Susan Barton, University of Delaware professor, and Tracy Wootten, University of Delaware horticulture agent for Sussex County, on Creating a Yard that Benefits People and the Environment. Presentation will include tips on replacing lawns with native groundcovers, perennials and shrubs.

For more information, call 302-227-6181 or email  

Dewey budget committee to meet

The Dewey Beach Budget and Finance Committee will meet at 3 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the Lifesaving Station, 1 Dagsworthy Ave. Members will hear a report on current financial performance from Accounting Manager Sheena Hall and will discuss Dewey Beach fees in comparison to surrounding towns.

For the full agenda and meeting link, go to

Dewey marketing group sets meeting

The Dewey Beach Marketing Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the Lifesaving Station, 1 Dagsworthy Ave.

Members will discuss new taglines for Dewey Beach promotional materials, and possibly vote on creating a contest to choose the winning tagline. For the full agenda and meeting link, go to

Carl Phelps to host fundraiser

Carl Phelps, Republican candidate for Representative District 14, will host a fundraiser from 5 to 7 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 30, at Atlantic Social near Rehoboth Beach. Admission is $50. Light food and nonalcoholic drinks provided; cash bar available.

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