News Briefs 3/4/25
One Rehoboth Hotel lots consolidated
During a Feb. 28 meeting, the Rehoboth Beach Planning Commission voted unanimously in favor of allowing the development team behind the proposed One Rehoboth Hotel to consolidate the lots the hotel will be built on. The property includes Grotto Pizza on the Boardwalk, the Sirocco Hotel, the former Dolle’s Candyland property and Kohr Bros. Frozen Custard. The commission vote was a formality in the city’s approval process. The planning commission approved the preliminary site plan for the four-story structure in January. Plans call for retail/restaurant space at ground level on the Boardwalk, while the hotel is planned for the top three floors.
Lewes architectural group meets March 6
The Lewes Historic Preservation Architectural Review Commission will meet at 6 p.m., Thursday, March 6, at the Rollins Center.
The panel will review applications for properties at 301 Park Ave., 315 Market St., 323 Park Ave. and 227 Second St.
See the full agenda and meeting link at
Giving event March 6-7 to support children’s garden expansion
Lewes in Bloom plans to expand its Children’s Learning Garden due to its popularity with young visitors. Funds will be raised through Lewes in Bloom’s participation in Do More 24 Delaware, an online giving event held from 6 p.m., Thursday, March 6 to 6 p.m., Friday, March 7, to benefit nonprofits statewide. For more information and to support the expansion, go to
The garden is located on the Lewes Public Library grounds, and the program is available to all children during its 10-week summer schedule, Monday through Friday. Some weeks have seen more than 100 children participating, and since each child is welcome to take home vegetables, flowers and herbs, more planting space is needed. The garden expansion will add almost 500 square feet in time for the mid-June opening.
Nonprofit seeks funding for culinary student’s trip to Italy
Paul Kares is continuing its fundraising efforts to send culinary student Alondra Estrada on a school trip in May to Sorrento and Rome, Italy. To further that goal, it will join other local nonprofits in raising money through Do More 24 Delaware, an online giving event, from 6 p.m., Thursday, March 6 to 6 p.m., Friday, March 7.
Estrada is a student at Delaware Technical Community College and works in the kitchen at The Room at Cedar Grove near Lewes.
To donate during the 24-hour fundraising period and support Estrada’s study abroad trip, visit
Paul Kares is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging and educating children interested in the culinary and musical arts. It aims to give youth the confidence, training and tools they need to pursue careers in their chosen artistic field.
Support Coastal Concerts via online giving March 6-7
For over two decades, Coastal Concerts has enriched the lives of Sussex County residents and visitors through classical music concerts, outreach events and music programming in southern Delaware thanks to generous community support.
Coastal Concerts will join DoMore24 Delaware, a powerful 24-hour online giving event held Thursday to Friday, March 6 to 7, that unites diverse communities in supporting vital nonprofit organizations. Find out how to donate at
Donations to Coastal Concerts through its Spring Ask Campaign and DoMore24 directly support operating costs including concerts, educational programs, youth scholarships, outreach events at local retirement communities and schools, and the Toot Your Own Horn program, which provides instruments to youth interested in playing in a school or community band.
Nicola Pizza dining event to benefit VIA March 10
Nicola Pizza will host a dine-to-donate event in support of the Village Improvement Association from 5 to 9 p.m., Monday, March 10, at 17323 Ocean One Plaza, Lewes. Nicola will donate 20% of dine-in sales only to the group.
The Village Improvement Association of Rehoboth Beach is a women’s civic and charitable organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.
For more information, go to