
News Briefs 6/13/23

June 13, 2023
Rehoboth meeting slated for June 16

Rehoboth Beach commissioners will meet at 2:30 p.m., Friday, June 16, in the city hall commissioners room, 229 Rehoboth Ave. The agenda calls for a public hearing on a change to the future land-use map in the 2020 comprehensive development plan and public hearings on multiple rezoning requests: The property owners at 1028A and 1028B Scarborough Ave. Ext. have requested their properties be rezoned from C-3 secondary commercial to R-1 residential; Rehoboth Auto Repair owners requested a zoning change for their property at 20663 Coastal Highway from C-3 commercial to C-1 commercial.

The agenda also calls for possible votes on changes to the tree code, code related to license application renewals and license application fees, and code related to basement heights.

A full agenda, meeting materials and a livestream are accessible at Only in-person attendees may make comments. For more information, contact the city at 302-227-6181 or

Dewey commissioners meet June 16

Dewey Beach commissioners will hold a public hearing and meeting at 3 p.m., Friday, June 16, at the Lifesaving Station, 1 Dagsworthy Ave. Public hearings and possible votes will be held on temporary expansion requests for Running of the Bull and Dewey Goes Pink, and on an expansion of the conditional use at Starboard Claw. Public hearings will also be held relating to the lapse of special exceptions and variances granted by the board of adjustment, and on the number of driveway entrances permitted on lots. Commissioners may also vote on expiration of building permits, to prohibit the production and sale of marijuana and other marijuana-related business activities, and to prohibit unauthorized vehicles from driving on the beach. For the full agenda and meeting link, go to

Five Points open house set June 14

The Five Points Working Group will host an open house from 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 14, at the Cape Henlopen High School cafeteria. 

The project team, along with Delaware Department of Transportation and Sussex County staff, will be on hand to answer questions. A brief presentation on the Five Points Transportation Study 2022 Annual Report will be held at 4 p.m. and repeated at 5 p.m. 

The presentation and all related workshop documents, including comment forms, will be posted online at the Five Points Transportation Study engagement hub, Comment forms may also be mailed to DelDOT Community Relations, Attn: Five Points Transportation Study, P.O. Box 778, Dover, DE 19903 or emailed to

Johnnie Walker Beach committee to meet

The Lewes Johnnie Walker Beach Subcommittee will meet at 5 p.m., Thursday, June 15, at city hall. The group will establish priorities and begin discussing research, signs and displays, and possible designs. To view the full agenda, go to

Heritage commission to meet June 15

The Lewes African American Heritage Commission will meet at 6 p.m., Thursday, June 15, at city hall. The group will discuss the upcoming Juneteenth celebration in George H.P. Smith Park. Other topics include updates on a possible historic marker, an oral history project and Johnnie Walker Beach. To view the full agenda, go to

Lewes environment subcommittee to meet 

The Environmental Subcommittee of the Lewes Planning Commission will meet at 1 p.m., Friday, June 16, at city hall. The group will discuss construction activity in a floodplain area, lot coverage and impervious versus pervious surfaces. To view the full agenda, go to

Rehoboth personnel committee to meet

The Rehoboth Beach Personnel Committee will meet at 11 a.m., Friday, June 16, in the city hall commissioners room, 229 Rehoboth Ave. The agenda calls for discussion on possible changes to city code related to bringing its personnel code and procedures into conformance with current state and federal regulations and standards. Also included are discussions on an employee recognition program, and a classification and compensation study.

A full agenda, meeting materials and a livestream are accessible at Only in-person attendees may make comments. For more information, contact the city at 302-227-6181 or

Sussex council awards nonprofit grants

Sussex County Council approved the following councilmanic grants during its June 6 meeting: $10,000 to True Blue Jazz Inc. for its 11th annual True Blue Jazz Festival (including $2,000 youth grant); $1,000 to Greenwood Police Department for its annual Night Out; $1,000 to Slaughter Neck Community Action Organization for its senior center program; and $1,000 to Eastern Shore AFRAM Festival in Seaford.

Agencies receive federal ARPA grants

At its June 6 meeting, Sussex County Council approved the following local American Rescue Plan Act nonprofit grants for agencies impacted financially by the COVID-19 pandemic: Cape Henlopen Senior Center, $40,000; CHEER Inc., $40,000; Friends of Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, $5,000; Greater Lewes Foundation, $40,000; Joshua Freeman Foundation, $40,000; Lewes Fire Department, $40,000; Lewes Public Library, $40,000; Milton Community Food Pantry, $1,568; Rehoboth Beach Public Library, $40,000; Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding, $40,000; and West Side New Beginnings, $10,000.

Grants were awarded based on lost revenue, decreased donations, and increases in employee and general costs.

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