
Now is the time for unity in the United States

January 22, 2021

Our country needs our leaders to unify us in order to save our democracy.  Our leaders need to stand together and tell the people the truth.  Only when the truth is clearly shouted by our leaders and shuts down the lies will we be able to heal.  

Almost 60 courts across the country soberly and carefully reviewed all available evidence and found no election fraud that affected the outcome of Biden’s win. Anybody worthy of elected office needs to be capable of understanding that Biden is the lawful president-elect.  Fostering the lie that Biden did not receive the majority of votes and the electoral college victory is what is dividing our country.  Allowing the lie that Congress has the power or moral authority to overturn the will of the people is unpatriotic and will contribute to future bloodshed.

 I call on our federal representatives, Carper, Coons and Blunt Rochester, to demand that they and all of their colleagues clearly denounce the perpetuators of the lies that led to the murder and riots in our Capitol on Jan. 6.  They must require the expulsion of Sens. Hawley and Cruz, whose thirst for power motivated them to magnify the devastating lies. This is not the time to go along to get along. We will not negotiate with seditionists, terrorists and murderers.  Our issues need to be dealt with head-on.

I call on my state legislators Hocker and Collins to vigorously use every platform available to them to denounce the lie that Biden did not fairly win the election. The supporters of the liar-in-chief need to understand that they were lied to. If those supporters do not understand they were lied to, resentment will continue to fester. If Hocker and Collins do not firmly call out these lies, more citizens and police will be murdered by resentful mobs. And the blood will be on their hands. 

During the presidential campaign, I was driven off the road by an angry driver in a pickup. As he furiously banged his hand on the side of his door, he screamed hateful expletives at me because I had a Biden bumper sticker. I am certain that same person fueled by the lie that the election was not fair, and prompted by calls to patriotism by power-thirsty politicians, will not stop at verbal abuse.

The course that Sussex County takes over the next few generations will be set by its next few steps. Let them be taken carefully with the goal of achieving a more perfect union. We have to accept elections and laws that we don’t always agree with. We work to change outcomes that more align with our own through the democratic process, not by the terrorism fueled by lies highlighted by the events of Jan. 6.

Mr. Hocker and Mr. Collins, the responsibility of elected officials to guide the course of our society has not been this great in generations.  Step up to the challenge, or step aside to allow someone else to do it.  Unequivocally denounce the lies and speak truth to your constituents so our country and our county can unite.

Tom Brett
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