In the July 30 issue of the Cape Gazette, there was a correction concerning the number of homeless people in Sussex County.
Readers should consider that even one unhoused person is too many and unacceptable. The Delaware Point-in-Time Count uses the HUD definition of literally homeless: someone staying in a shelter, car or place not meant for human habitation. This narrow definition for one night does not count those who are doubled up or couch surfing. Additionally, there is the issue that some work to remain uncounted.
The cost of and lack of affordable housing can push families and individuals into homelessness when they are a paycheck or medical emergency away from loss of stable housing.
Using a broader definition of homelessness, I find it credible that Jim Martin of Shepherd’s Office would cite the figure of 10,000 people in Sussex County being homeless in a year.
As voters, let us make sure the candidates we support are working to make sure everyone has a place to call home. Every time you use a key to enter your front door, remember those who lack that survival ingredient.