
Open letter to Sen. Huxtable about park plan

December 6, 2024

The following letter was sent to Sen. Russ Huxtable, D-Lewes, with a copy provided to the Cape Gazette for publication. 

We just became aware of some very disconcerting news. DNREC, our protector of natural resources, is in violation of the spirit, if not the actual provisions, of the Warner Grant you helped us dust off and affirm with Senate Bill 6. Your legislative efforts to protect Cape Henlopen State Park were overwhelmingly endorsed by both houses of our Delaware Legislature in record time. There is no doubt the citizens of Delaware and Sussex County were furious with the contradiction being proposed by the agency designated as the conservator of Cape Henlopen State Park.

In what seems like payback from DNREC for spoiling their plans to build a restaurant on the dunes, a very low-key, below-the-radar plan for 11 homes, competing with local businesses, is set to be built in an unspoiled space enjoyed for years by scouts and others. Just in case there isn't enough development in Sussex County, our dwindling, pristine state park is being carved up, for what purpose? The cost of this development is extremely high, not only in dollars, but in lost-forever and irreplaceable parkland.

We all just witnessed the November elections and what many say is the dramatic result of an electorate frustrated by an unresponsive federal government. DNREC, an agency overseen by the State of Delaware, is being equally unresponsive, and the citizens of Delaware, Sussex County and the City of Lewes will seek retribution at the polls if the will of the people continues to be ignored!

An issue that is so universally antithetical to the residents of Delaware should be stopped before a shovel can enter the ground! Thank you in advance for your continued protection of our park.

Doug Spelman
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