
Opposing Northstar development near Lewes

August 30, 2024

The following letter was sent to the Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commission with a copy provided to the Cape Gazette for publication. 

We are expressing our disappointment that the Northstar property is being considered for development as there are numerous wildlife animals that live in this area (deer mainly, ducks, foxes, etc.). This area of Gosling Creek Purchase is such a quiet neighborhood, and we are extremely concerned about the noise, disruption and dust/dirt during all phases, including site work, construction and post-construction. Furthermore, additional homes will only cause more congestion contributing to traffic issues that are already prevalent in the area

We are not in favor of and do not support this proposed development at all. Too many animals will be displaced, and too many new homes will be extremely close to our property. We purchased our home in Gosling Creek because of the spacious lots. Homes are not on top of one another, yet the newer developments, including Lewes Crossing directly across the field behind our home, do have homes too close together. Additionally, we are requesting a study be conducted regarding the impact the proposed community might have on Gosling Creek's stormwater management system

If the development of the land is passed, we are also concerned about the quality of the homes. Many new developments use builders that build homes quickly without the same exceptional attention to detail as custom home builders. Inevitably, this leads to issues for the homeowners and can potentially decrease property value for surrounding areas. Gosling Creek Purchase has homes that are 30 years or older that are well built and can stand the test of time. We are not interested in our property value going down to accommodate the proposed development

Again, if the development of the land is passed, our hope is that Gosling Creek (the pond area between the two fields near Bee Jay Lane) is not destroyed. It should remain for the wildlife. We also request that any community pool, playground or building for activities is nowhere near the existing Gosling Creek development

Bart and Janelle Shellabarger


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