
Oyster recycling program ready for second season

Recycled shells provide habitat in Inland Bays
July 11, 2016

At the start of its second season, the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays’ oyster shell recycling program, Don’t Chuck Your Shucks, is geared up to double last year’s record.

In 2015, Don’t Chuck Your Shucks successfully collected more than 1,000 bushels of shell, surpassing the goal set for the year. This year, the center expects to easily pass that target.

“With 16 restaurants on board, our goal is to collect 2,000 bushels and bag 500 bushels of shell by the end of 2016,” said Project Manager Bob Collins.

The center, with support from The Delaware Nature Conservancy and local restaurants, collects discarded shell from restaurants to use in restoration projects along the Inland Bays.

The success of the shell recycling program is made possible by partner restaurants and the appetites of their patrons. When customers order clams or oysters, they’re giving back to their local Inland Bays by reducing trash in local landfills while supporting local business.

The growing list of participating restaurants includes 99 Sea Level, Bethany Oyster House, Blue Coast, Catch 54, Chesapeake & Maine, Claddagh on the Shore, George & Sons Seafood Market, Hammerheads Dockside, Hooked Up, Irish Eyes Pub & Restaurant, Just Hooked, Twining’s Lobster Shanty, Off the Hook, Smitty McGee's, The Starboard Raw and Zoggs Raw Bar & Grill.

One of the newest participants is Chesapeake & Maine, the latest addition to the Dogfish Head family.

“We at Dogfish have always had a commitment to our community and to the environment through many different outlets,” said Chef Kevin Downing. “This is a great way for us to continue that support."

After collection, the shell is cured for several months to kill bacteria. When it’s ready, volunteers place shell into net bags using a device designed and built by volunteer Ab Ream. The oyster bags are used in living shoreline restoration projects to protect the shore from erosion by reducing wave energy.

The bagged shells provide habitat for small, bottom-dwelling organisms which, in turn, support commercially valuable crabs and fish. Oyster shell is the preferred surface for young oysters to grow on and donated shells provide vital nursery habitat. More oysters mean more "mini-filtration plants" working year-around at no cost to improve water quality in the Inland Bays.

The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays is a non-profit organization established in 1994 to preserve, protect and restore Delaware’s Inland Bays, the water that flows into them, and the watershed around them. With its many partners, the center conducts public outreach and education, develops and implements restoration projects, encourages scientific inquiry and sponsors research. For more information call Sally Boswell at 302-226-8105, or email at or, go to our website at

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