
Paskins is change we need on county council

May 28, 2024

I want to add my voice to those supporting the election of Dana Paskins to the Sussex County Council District 3 seat.

Dana was born and raised in Sussex County, was educated at Cape Henlopen High School and Delaware State University, and served her country as a U.S. Air Force officer for over 20 years. Dana knows and cares about this area.

Most importantly, Dana also knows what we need to do to maintain the quality of life that makes Sussex County special instead of allowing rampant, unchecked development of every square inch of land with expensive homes intended for a select few. Preserving our fragile environment and developing affordable housing are absolutely essential elements of the smart growth principles she would bring to the position.

It is long past time for county council to include voices that are not financed and controlled by developers, their suppliers and monied property interests from Sussex County and elsewhere. We need Dana Paskins on council if we are to avoid becoming just another crowded, overdeveloped mess.

I fully support Dana Paskins for Sussex County Council District 3 and urge my fellow residents to join me in electing her to that seat.

Tom Iarossi
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