
Peninsula men’s club presents $3,900 to Legion Auxiliary

August 3, 2024

Each national holiday, members of the Happy Hour Men’s Club at the Peninsula on Bay Farm Road, Millsboro, place flags along the neighborhood road to honor those who have served this country.

The group accepts donations from appreciative homeowners, friends and guests, and passes them on to organizations supporting veterans, notably the American Legion Auxiliary.

The club recently presented a check for $3,900 from donations collected during the Memorial Day and Independence Day holidays to June Jones, American Legion Post 28 Auxiliary president. This year’s funds bring the total to $8,500 donated to the auxiliary over the last few years.

“Because of organizations such as the Happy Hour Men’s Club, we are able to provide more support to the needs of the local veterans in Sussex County. We truly appreciate what these men do,” said Jones.



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