
Please fix surf-fishing permit problem

February 8, 2022

I agree 100 percent with Ed Martin’s Feb. 4 letter on surf-fishing permits. Why not sell permits to everyone who applies for one and have some type of counter at the beach entrance if you only want a certain number of vehicles per day? There are only several days a year that the beach is full and a majority of days when there is only a handful of people fishing. My family goes there on weekday evenings when no one is there, and not only do we live here, but have been going on the drive-on beach for years and years. And now since the number of permits is limited, several of our family members could not get through online to obtain one because of a glitch in the system. I guarantee that most of the permits issued will only be used a couple times a year because of this. Please fix this problem.

Harry Caswell
Rehoboth Beach
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