Dr. George Sheehan wrote eight books on running and had a column in Runners World Magazine for 25 years. He once wrote that runners have such an inborn knowledge and feel for pace that if he fell out of an airplane, he’d fall at an 8:30 per mile pace.
The Labor Day weekend Last Blast Prediction Run was held Sept. 3 in Rehoboth. The runners who came closest to their predicted times were the winners.
There was also a winners list with the fastest times. No watches were permitted to be worn.
The top three predicted times were Sedar Labarre with an actual time of 27:59.80 and a predicted time of 28:00; Hilary Provinse with an actual of 32:00.25 and predicted of 32.00.00; and Aaron Tikiob with an actual of 20:29.30 and predicted of 20:29.
The top 10 predictions were within 10 seconds of the predicted time.
The top three fastest times were Joey Andrisani in 16:56, Tim McCormick in 17:10 and Jimmy Rubin in 20:04.
The top three women were Victoria Edwards in 22:27, Melissa McDermott in 22:30 and Paul Pels in 23:11.
A total of 94 runners competed in the race. Expanded results for predictions and overall finishers can be found at seashorestriders.com.