I am strongly opposed to the development of a restaurant at Cape Henlopen State Park.
The restaurant is to be open year round until 10 p.m., with live music and a bar, and be built on or near the sensitive dune. This would create increased traffic, trucks, trash, etc. Noise, light pollution and additional human activity could affect wildlife and birds. The location of the restaurant is too close to the Hawk Watch and endangered shorebird nesting areas. The annual CHSP Hawk Watch provides important data not only to ornithological organizations in Delaware, but also to a nationwide database maintained by the Hawk Migration Association of North America. The location of the Hawk Watch was chosen because it is along the mid-Atlantic flyway for migratory birds. The proposed restaurant location is also fairly close to the Point, which is an important nesting area for endangered shorebirds such as the piping plover. The restaurant is not needed, as there are many restaurants nearby in Lewes, including at the nearby ferry terminal.
Please help to preserve the biodiversity and environment at Cape Henlopen State Park.