The 17th Annual Friends of Prime Hook Delmarva Nature Photography Contest is accepting entries through Saturday, Oct. 9, from all photographers, amateur and professional. For detailed information, go to
The annual exhibition of contest submissions and prize winners is slated to open with a public reception from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 17, at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge Auditorium, 11978 Turkle Pond Road, Milton.
Entries may be submitted in any or all categories: Delmarva Scenery, Native Birds, Other Native Wildlife (fish, insects, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, etc.), Native Plants and Flowers, The Beauty of Prime Hook, Senior Student (age 13 to 17) and Junior Student (age 12 and under). To qualify as Delmarva Scenery, photographs must have been taken on the Delmarva Peninsula. The Beauty of Prime Hook category encompasses only photographs taken within the refuge boundaries. The entry fee is $5 per photograph or six for $25 and must be included with the submitted photographs. Student entries are free. Checks should be made payable to the Friends of Prime Hook N.W.R.
Monetary awards will be given to the first-, second-, and third-place winners in each category and to the student winners. Special awards will be given to winners in the Beauty of Prime Hook category. Winners who cannot be present at the reception will have their award mailed to them. Photographs of wildlife, flowers, and plants must be of native species. Ineligible subjects include cultivated plants and flowers, and domestic animals like dogs and cows.
After the display ends, a special People's Choice Award will be presented to the most popular photograph in the show. Each visitor is encouraged to cast a ballot for their favorite picture. Instructions on how to vote will be on display in the auditorium.