
Public education on roundabouts needed

September 27, 2024

It is apparent that roundabouts are becoming more and more an integral part of our roadways here. Someone in planning must have heard about them and thought they were a great idea. I suppose in theory they are supposed to improve the flow of traffic. I say in theory because I have not seen that to be the case. The roundabout at the end of Plantation Road is confusing and it takes a map to figure out which lane to be in to access Savannah Road.

That being said, the biggest impediment to flow of traffic is the drivers themselves. The driving public needs to be educated about the use of roundabouts. There are signs that say yield. This means yield to traffic already in the roundabout. No where does it say stop, yet that is exactly what is happening. Many drivers unaware and confused about their use full stop before entering the roundabout. I’ve seen drivers full stop even when there is no other traffic in the roundabout. You can see the effect as traffic slows to a stop leading up to one.

I think a public education campaign would go far to improve the flow of traffic.

Bruce Brown
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