
Public invited to virtual open house of Five Points Transportation Study

May 14, 2020

While our collective focus over the past few months has been on the pandemic and public health, DelDOT has continued to keep projects in all phases moving forward. We all recognize the impact that COVID-19 has had on our economy and the businesses and employees that drive our economy. Infrastructure projects support thousands of jobs in our state, and allowing these projects to continue while implementing necessary safety precautions to protect employees has been our ongoing objective.

While we have seen significantly reduced traffic volumes on area roads this spring, we know the traffic will return as restrictions are eased. In the short term, projects such as the rehabilitation of the Route 1 bridge over the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal will be completed this month, and the widening of Route 24 from Mulberry Knoll to Route 1 has begun this spring. Design work also continues for major projects like the Plantation Road improvements project which is scheduled to begin construction in 2022, and the Route 1-Minos Conaway Road Grade Separated Interchange project planned for construction beginning in 2023.

Progress also continues to be made on the Five Points Transportation Study (, and the department recently released a 2019 Annual Report describing the significant progress made over the last year. Since circumstances will prevent us from presenting this progress to you at an in-person event as previously planned for this month, we are adapting and utilizing technology to keep the public informed and updated as we move forward. As a result, we will be holding a Virtual Open House to review accomplishments from 2019 and provide an overview of new study initiatives for 2020. 

The Virtual Open House format will consist of two parts: materials available for review on the study website and online drop-in sessions. These drop-in sessions will include a presentation and a moderated question-and-answer period with the study team. The drop-in sessions, will be conducted five different times in order to provide the public with flexibility to choose the session that is most convenient. 

To view the five different days/times and register for one of the Virtual Open House drop-in sessions please register by visiting

I am proud of the work this study is accomplishing for the Five Points area, and the collaboration between DelDOT and Sussex County government. I am also grateful for the continued work of the Five Points Transportation Study Working Group who continue to monitor and support the efforts of the study team and are an integral part of the ongoing process.
I hope many of you will take part in the Virtual Open House, and I encourage the public to stay involved and connected to the Five Points Transportation Study as your participation and feedback is very much appreciated as we continue working to solve our long-term transportation challenges in eastern Sussex County.  

Jennifer Cohan is the Secretary of Transportation for the Delaware Department of Transportation.


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