As a retired federal employee, I continue to be active with the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association that advocates for active and retired federal employees on workplace issues and benefits.
The views expressed are my personal thoughts.
In this current environment, people look to demean and attack public-sector employees without understanding that many of the services we enjoy are provided by public-sector and federal employees without regard to political views. These individuals inspect our food, teach children, deliver mail, pick up our trash, provide for safety in many areas and collectively provide a positive impact on daily living.
Public-sector employees many times work second jobs to make ends meet like many private-sector employees.
In the past, public-sector employees were penalized on their Social Security if they had worked a second job if they had a public pension.
After 40-plus years, Congress finally approved and the president signed the Social Security Fairness Act, allowing public-sector employees to collect their fair share of earned SSA.
I want to thank Sens. Carper and Coons for supporting public-sector employees and voting yes on this important piece of legislation.
In this time of year when we thank many and give, we need to continue to protect public-sector and federal employees from the many hostile acts that are unwarranted.
In conclusion, I ask that in this time of year, you thank the public servants that support all 24-7 and have sworn an oath of service.
If you are an active or retired federal employee, please look at and join.
If not a federal employee, please look at the Partnership for Public Service website on what public service means to all –, or for other resources.