Racial justice alliance awards Consortium, Shields students
The Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice recently honored students from the Sussex Consortium and Shields Elementary for their demonstration of leadership, improvement, effort and excellence.
Sussex Consortium teachers say Amare Chandler is a caring young man with a heart of gold. He is a friend to everyone and makes sure others are included in activities. Teachers say it is wonderful to work with a student who makes those around him even better, and they look forward to seeing what his future holds.
Consortium student Lebron Brittingham always has a smile and enjoys making people laugh, teachers say. A leader in the classroom, he excels in mathematics and has also become an expert in researching project topics. Lebron loves gym class and sports, especially football and basketball. He recently won a first-place medal in his basketball league.
Shields Elementary student Cameron Bell is a model citizen in the classroom who always perseveres when faced with a difficult task. Teachers say he is self-motivated and his work exceeds expectations. Cameron always sets and reaches high standards for himself. Teachers say he lights up any room and they are so proud of his hard work.
Shields Elementary student Shaquel Bowe has become a leader in the classroom. His participation and enthusiasm for all academic areas inspire his classmates. Teachers say he strives for excellence and is willing to support classmates whenever needed. His positive mind-set and faith in his own abilities will enable him to continue to do great things.
Each student received a $15 gift card to Browseabout Books in Rehoboth Beach; SDARJ contributes $10 to each gift card, and Browseabout contributes $5.
SDARJ’s education committee initiated the award to recognize students in the Cape district who represent ideals of leadership, effort and excellence in their schools. A nonpartisan organization, SDARJ educates, informs and advocates for racial justice, equality and fair opportunity. For more information, go to sdarj.org.