
Raleigh Ringers concert handbell choir show set July 10

June 19, 2022

Renowned handbell ensemble the Raleigh Ringers will perform at 7 p.m., Sunday, July 10, at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. 

Based in Raleigh, N.C., the internationally acclaimed concert handbell choir has been dazzling audiences for years with unique interpretations of sacred, secular and popular music. Programs include rock 'n' roll tunes that the group has become noted for, along with original compositions written just for the Raleigh Ringers.

The Raleigh Ringers members perform on one of the most extensive collections of bells and bell-like instruments owned by any handbell ensemble in the world. The current grand total is 35 octaves comprising 377 individual pieces of equipment. Each individual handbell set has its own unique sound. By mixing the sounds of these instruments, members of the Raleigh Ringers are able to create contrasting moods and highlight melodic lines, bringing richness and depth to the music they perform.

This performance is sponsored by Capital Ringers, southern Delaware's own handbell ensemble. Admission is $22 for adults and $10 for children. For tickets, go to or


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