
Reassessment process needs to be understood

December 13, 2024

As I do understand the need for a reassessment, it's important to understand that this effort has to be fair and valid. I've already scheduled an appeal in person at the Georgetown location, as I would like to better understand the process, the metrics utilized for assessment results and, most importantly, the evaluation criteria that was implemented in the “firm fixed priced" contract put in place for the contractor's fee. I will ask if indeed there is a firm fixed priced contract in place and, if so, what are the criteria for evaluation which will have the potential to reveal certain approaches, aka what metrics are used to validate the criteria. If I'm correct in my endeavor to find out the specifics of the aforementioned contract, it could have the real possibility of either validating or exposing the intent of this most important effort.   

Lawrence F. Franz


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