
Red Hat Society: a history of sisterhood and support

March 10, 2013

The Red Hat Society, one of the premier international women's social organizations in the world, began in Fullerton, Calif. From a single gift of a red hat, it has grown into a symbol for women around the globe as they turn 50 and enter the next phase of their lives.

In November 1997, Red Hat founder Sue Ellen Cooper’s gift of a red hat and the poem by Jenny Joseph titled “Warning” grew into something much larger than a club or group; it evolved into a women's movement of sorts consisting of members committed to supporting each other through fun and friendship.

In 1998, the Red Hat Society became an official organization and since that time has spread to millions of women around the globe. Membership grew from two chapters in 1999 to more than 40,000 chapters worldwide within five years.

The first article on the RHS appeared in Romantic Homes Magazine in July 2000. Interest in the Red Hats spread east quickly. The first RHS book, "Fun and Friendship After Fifty," was published in 2004, reaching No. 1 on the New York Times best-seller list by April. In 2011, the book is was published in Korea.

The RHS was recognized with an award by the Pop Culture Association and American Culture Association in 2008. In 2005, the Red Hat Society was the focus of an episode on the animated TV series, “The Simpsons,” in which Marge Simpson joined a local Red Hat Society chapter. In 2006, the musical “HATS” was launched, and it continues to be performed today. Another milestone in the RHS timeline is the first Red Hat and Purple Boa display in 2011 at the Smithsonian's Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

The Red Hat Society has become its own women's movement with a strong emphasis on the positive aspects of life, stressing the importance of friendship and sisterhood, the value of play and a determination to find the good in life everywhere possible. Members promote respect for all and the value of good will and good humor.

Although the original focus was on women 50 and older, the Red Hat Society encourages women of any age to join (those under 50 wear pink hats), emphasizing the value of cross-generational friendships and mentoring. The RHS and its members believe that their philosophy is ageless and has universal appeal.

To learn more or to become a member, go to or call 714-738-0001. Locally, contact ambassador BJ Young at

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