
Red Hat Society Lewes chapter celebrates the holidays

January 13, 2024

The Red Hat Society Evening Primroses Chapter held a lunch meeting Dec. 19 to celebrate the holidays with a roaring ‘20s theme at the Wheelhouse Restaurant in Lewes.

The words “Big Al sent me,” were encouraged to request entry into the mock speakeasy. All members also belong to and are known as the RHS Chapter the Pirates of the Delaware Bay, and they dress in pirate gear for adventures during the summer.

The Red Hat Society is an international organization founded in 1998 in the United States for women who connect, support and encourage one another in their pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom, fulfillment and and fitness, while collaborating in the quest to get the most out of life.

For more information, go to or contact Ambassador B.J. Young via email,, or phone, 302-265-7756.


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