Register for Delaware wildland firefighter training by Jan. 13

The Delaware Forest Service is offering Delawareans a unique job training opportunity. For the 2025 fire season, motivated individuals can join the Delaware Wildland Fire Crew and travel on fire assignments nationwide.
Those who want to experience this adventure of a lifetime will need to attend the annual DFS initial wildland fire training, offered in 2025 at no cost to participants.
While no prior experience in firefighting is necessary, anyone interested in joining a wildland fire crew must be over 18 years old and physically fit. Crew members need to be able to travel for at least two weeks, typically in the summer.
“Our annual wildland firefighting training provides people the opportunity to experience firsthand the importance of protecting our forested lands, both here in Delaware and beyond,” said Sam Topper, Delaware Forest Service wildland fire supervisor. “By being part of this training, participants contribute to the protection of forests for future generations to enjoy.”
The Delaware Forest Service initial training will span five days over three weekends in January, February and March. Upon successfully completing all coursework, participants will be eligible for their red-card certification from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Registration is due by Monday, Jan. 13, at
Individuals will need to complete the following prerequisite courses online prior to attending the in-person classes: ICS-100 - Introduction to the Incident Command System, IS-700 - An Introduction to the National Incident Management System, and L-180 - Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service.
Participants also will need to complete the following core classes in person: S-190 - Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior and S-130 - Firefighter Training.
Attendance is required for all of the following dates: Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 18 and 19, and Feb. 1 and 2.
In addition to the prerequisite and core classwork, there will be a required one-day field day to be held tentatively in March or April at Blackbird State Forest in Smyrna. The field day is designed to help rookies develop a better understanding of their completed coursework, and test their knowledge and skills by requiring them to complete several tasks individually and in squads. Concurrently, the Delaware Forest Service will host its annual RT-130/Fire Camp, open to all veterans who have served on a crew in the past. Both veterans and rookies will complete the Work Capacity Test, Shelter Deployment and an annual refresher.
For more information, go to