
Rehoboth election gamesmanship is distasteful

May 31, 2024

I am writing in response to all of the gamesmanship and poker playing that now seems to occur just before the filing deadline in City of Rehoboth elections. Sadly, I suppose this situation has been fueled by the fact that there are very few people who are interested in running for office. There have been too many commissioners who have been appointed, and too many commissioners have faced re-election unopposed. Then we have the new phenomenon of candidates who file, only to drop out at the last moment in an effort to squeeze out a possible contender. This type of behavior begs the following question: If a candidate engages in chicanery before getting elected, what else might they be capable of?

So here we are in 2024. There are those who would argue that election strategizing is inevitable. Personally, I find these behind-the-scenes games to be distasteful, leading us to a situation where good candidates may be discouraged from running. I believe this type of maneuvering flies in the face of what public service should be all about. Elections should be held. Those who are inclined to throw their hat in the ring should do so in good faith.  

Candidates for the board of commissioners should announce early, be prepared to stay in the race and serve their full terms if elected. To the current crop of candidates, here's a free piece of advice: Be a straight shooter, do what you say and say what you mean! Those who do otherwise will continue to erode the public's confidence in local government.

Frank Cole
Rehoboth Beach
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