Rehoboth Elementary School educator wins teacher appreciation contest

During May, Johnson Orthodontics of Rehoboth Beach hosted a teacher appreciation contest to thank local educators for their dedication to the children in the community. Patients were asked to nominate their favorite teacher and submit essays, poems or stories that described what made their teacher special.
A total of 31 patients submitted entries, and five of those students nominated Rehoboth Elementary School teacher Missy Dawson. As the winner, Dawson was awarded a $500 stipend to use for classroom supplies.
When presented with the prize money, Dawson elected to split the check and give a $100 scholarship to each of the five students who nominated her for the contest. “Both of my parents were elementary school teachers, so I know the commitment teachers make to their students,” said Dr. Jonathan Johnson.
“This contest gave our patients the opportunity to share their feelings and appreciation to the teachers who have impacted their lives in a positive way. Teachers work hard, and I want them to know that their students and community members are thankful for their dedication.”
For more information about Johnson Orthodontics, call 302-645-5554 or email