
Rehoboth needs Thier and Saunders

July 26, 2024

How fortunate we are in Rehoboth Beach to have two outstanding candidates come forward to run for commissioner. I only met Craig Thier about three weeks ago and his background is impressive. He is a man who has always been involved in the community where he lives, as evidenced by his election to his hometown school board for 14 years.  And even more important, he has spent 25 years in the field of financial planning and forecasting – exactly the skill set we so desperately need on the commission right now. He’s offering that expertise to Rehoboth Beach at this moment when our financial house needs to be put in order. Being a commissioner is a time-consuming job and I’m so glad that he is willing to spend the time required to serve. 

I was delighted when Mark Saunders announced he was in the race. We are a small town and it’s hard not to know people like Mark, who have volunteered in multiple capacities over the years. In addition to an extensive volunteer background in town, Mark also owned his own successful real estate agency in Pennsylvania. He’s run a business and knows what’s needed to be successful, including strong and effective communication skills, financial management, expert legal advice and making tough decisions when necessary.

What does Rehoboth Beach need now? We need the depth and breadth of experience that Mark Saunders and Craig Thier bring. Let’s not pass up this opportunity to turn things around and bring financial and business acumen to our city at this critical moment.

Jan Konesey
Rehoboth Beach


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