
Rehoboth punishes visitors for simple mistakes

July 9, 2024

Reading the letter by Fay Jacobs regarding parking in Rehoboth, I was emboldened to add my $48.60. I was vacationing in Rehoboth Beach with my family last week and parking each day for the beach. Approximately $15 per day just for the beach time. I have my husband's car and my car listed on the ParkMobile app. One day, I inadvertently selected the wrong car. Yikes. Ticket received. I thought it was a no-brainer, as the city had my money but just the wrong license plate number. I appealed the ticket with evidence of payment and the two cars on my app. I was promptly denied, with a $10 court fee added. So our few hours on the beach ended up costing me $48.60. I have paid the fine but have requested a refund of the $8. I know I'll never see a dime from Rehoboth, but I am so angry that I am being penalized for a mistake that is easily made.   

Joanne M. Muniz
Drexel Hill, Pa.
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