
Rehoboth railroad diorama viewing appointments to start Dec. 4

November 24, 2020

During the first two weekends in December, Rehoboth Beach Museum will open to guests who wish to see the diorama The Railroad Era: The Golden Age of Rehoboth Beach.

Appointments will begin at 11 a.m., Friday to Sunday, Dec. 4 to 6, and Friday and Saturday, Dec. 11 and 12.

Since the museum closed due to COVID-19, Paul Lovett has been producing a series of videos about the diorama, which is a replica of Rehoboth Avenue around 1910. These seven videos featuring different views of the avenue have been available on the Rehoboth Beach Museum website. Many people have expressed a desire to see the actual diorama. Lovett’s videos and diorama bring to life the local history of the railroad era.

The diorama has been constructed in “N” scale by various artisans on a series of tables.

The museum is open only for the purpose of exhibiting the diorama. No other rooms will be open. All Delaware state safety guidelines will be followed. Face coverings will be required and social distancing will be observed. Reservations will be taken for half-hour intervals for groups of a maximum of six people at one time.

To set up an appointment to view the diorama, call the museum at 302-227-7310 and leave a message on the answering machine with a name and a return telephone number. Callers will be contacted to set up a date and time to visit.

An admission of $5 is required for all guests over 12 years old, payable at time of registration.

For more information, go to


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