
Rehoboth Vegfest was a real tribute

July 3, 2014

As president of the nonprofit political action committee, Delaware Votes for Animals, I want to take this opportunity to publicly express my thanks and appreciation to all the hard work that went into making the second annual Vegfest Rehoboth a success. The tireless efforts of the organizers and countless volunteers assured those participating and those attending that every detail had been analyzed so that the event would run flawlessly.

We were blessed with beautiful weather on the day of the event (June 14) and everyone in attendance expressed all levels of enjoyment that could only be achieved by the awesome selection of food from Rehoboth area’s finest restaurants, the speakers who came from as far away as Canada to speak on various animal friendly and nutrition healthy topics, as well as the vendors from multiple states providing information on animal welfare and a plant based diet.

Although I was unable to visit all the vendor tables this year, in order to provide people with information about Delaware Votes for Animals at my booth, when they stopped by my table I was able to see firsthand the joy in the eyes of adults and children with each conversation in which we engaged.

I am already looking forward to VegRehoboth 2015.

Leslie Lantz
president, Delaware Votes for Animals

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