
Rendon has run a positive campaign

September 6, 2024

As someone who knows all three Democratic primary candidates for representative in the 14th District, I find myself in a somewhat awkward position. Each of these candidates shares similar views on key issues important to Sussex Countians – support for reproductive choice, environmental preservation, the need for more high-quality medical professionals, addressing traffic and overdevelopment, and ensuring affordable housing.

However, one candidate, Marty Rendon, has stood out by remaining above the fray. His campaign has been consistently positive and focused on the issues without the drama and confrontation that can often detract from a race. Marty’s qualifications are noteworthy: he serves as a commissioner on the Delaware Human and Civil Rights Commission and brings years of experience working with Congress through UNICEF USA. Additionally, Marty’s endorsement by the Delaware Stonewall PAC is a testament to his values and commitment to our community. Importantly, Marty has no aspirations for higher office – his sole focus will be on representing us in the Delaware House.

If Marty can achieve results in the contentious atmosphere of Capitol Hill, I have no doubt he can deliver the best outcomes for the 14th District in the Delaware House, and do so with the same integrity and dedication that has marked his campaign.

Deborah Woods
Rehoboth Beach


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