
Rendon is the joyful, competent person RD 14 needs

September 3, 2024

Attending the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week as an elected delegate representing Sussex County convinced me that if we bring the spirit of the DNC home to Delaware to help us elect the most qualified candidates to office, we will win, up and down the ballot. The DNC was filled with exuberance and elation, competence and courage, and professionalism and patriotism. That’s the same spirit that Marty Rendon brings to his campaign, and that he will bring to Legislative Hall in Dover, if we elect him to be our next representative from the 14th District (comprising parts of Lewes, all of Rehoboth Beach and all of Dewey Beach).

Marty has dedicated his life to public service, and he now wants to put that lifetime of experience to work for us. Equally importantly, Marty actually likes what he does, and he is great at doing it! His bright smile lights up the room, and his calm, attentive and intelligent demeanor offers reassuring indicators that Marty will be an effective negotiator in Dover on behalf of the residents of the 14th District. 

Marty spent decades working in Washington, D.C., as a congressional aide and later directing congressional relations for UNICEF. During that time, Marty acquired a wealth of experience on how to rise above the fray and to negotiate for what is right. Later, at UNICEF, Marty ensured that UNICEF received maximum congressional funding, year over year, ensuring that the world’s hungriest children could get the nutritional assistance they needed.

Here in Delaware, Marty was appointed by the then-governor to serve on the Delaware Human Rights Commission. Because of his extensive legislative experience, Marty soon became chair of the commission’s legislative committee. He has led the commission’s support for Delaware legislation relating to issues including, but not limited to, the right to counsel for tenants, prohibiting discrimination based on sources of income, alignment of the Delaware Equal Accommodations Law with federal protections, legislation to address hate crimes, and law enforcement disciplinary record transparency.

Marty hears us when we tell him what we think is most important: 1. Protecting our rights and freedoms, and advancing equality; 2. Making healthcare more accessible and affordable; 3. Meeting the unique environmental challenges facing our district; 4. Addressing overdevelopment and traffic congestion; and 5. Enhancing opportunities for local small businesses. I appreciate a candidate who actually listens, and who is willing to help deliver on these important issues.

Democrats can win in Delaware if we put the spirit of joy, competence and professionalism exhibited at the DNC to work for us right here at home. Marty likes to say that he made a living in Washington and a life in Delaware. Marty is the joyful, competent and professional person we need to represent us. That’s why I ask that on primary day, Tuesday, Sept. 10, Democrats vote for Marty Rendon for 14th District representative. 

Leslie W. Ledogar
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