
In response to Sussex student character letter

April 12, 2021

My name is Quinlyn Long, and I am a junior at Cape Henlopen High School.

It has been brought to my attention that I was quoted in an article written by a school acquaintance that I feel has put me and my school in a negative light. 

Nikola Alisija Melnsvarka, a student at the University of Delaware, reached out to me seeking information for her journalism class. Although I was willing to assist her, I in no way knew she was going to publish an article in the Cape Gazette, or had my permission to do so. 

I feel my quote in the article was taken out of context as I only went to in-person school for a short period of time in September 2020, and the writer did not have the full story behind my decision to go remote. Furthermore, the timeline does not realistically reflect the environment beyond my time or currently. Therefore, I wanted to write a letter to explain my circumstances. There were multiple private reasons for my decision to switch to remote learning. This was a family decision, and is in no way reflective of the school’s behavior or environment.

Since I switched to remote learning in mid-September, I have received nothing but support from my school. The teachers, administration and support staff have been extremely supportive to me personally and of my learning.  The majority of my teachers Zoom with remote students every day to ensure equal learning opportunities. I am extremely grateful for the Cape Henlopen teachers during the pandemic. They have been supportive in terms of education, extracurriculars and mental health. 

Additionally, teachers and administration have stayed in contact through Schoology, emails and Zooms. They also offer office hours to help struggling students or just to talk. 

Despite the unforeseen circumstances, Cape Henlopen High School and teachers have gone above and beyond to adapt quickly and with greatness. I have gone into the school a couple of times for standardized testing. Everything went very smoothly and everyone was in compliance.  The administration and teachers have worked extremely hard during this time. I am #CapeProud of the Cape Henlopen District’s administration, teachers, and students.

Quinlyn Long
Cape Henlopen High School
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