ReStore held their annual builder reception and fundraiser Feb. 20. A celebration of the second anniversary of the store and reception to honor donors, shoppers and volunteers, it featured the Re-Do projects.
Contestants were on hand to explain their projects; seven teams scoured the store for a project to refinish and vie for top honors.
Taste Events Catering donated and served hors d’oeuvres, and Baird Mandalas Brockstedt donated wine, beer and beverages. Music filled the air from the display-only player piano. Attendees participated in a raffle, silent auction of the Re-Do projects and a 50/50 drawing.

Sussex Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Kevin Gilmore addresses the crowd gathered for the ReStore HomeBuilder reception. DENY HOWETH PHOTOS

Board member Bobbi Barends, left, and communications and advocacy manager Katie Millard sell tickets for the raffle and Re-Do voting.

Pouring wine and serving beer from Baird Mandalas Brockstedt are (l-r) Heidi Gilmore, Andy Zampini, ReStore staff, and Michelle Wenz.

Winners of the Re-Do competition are Eastern Shore Design team (l-r) Tyler Morton, Robert, and Roberta Burke. They took an old bureau and redesigned it to be a kitchen island.

Having a seat during the festivities are (l-r) Ed Detterline, Jeff and Joanne DiBella, Mary and Bob Roche, Marie Detterline and Francis Murphy.

Team CAD took two pieces and combined them to make a Murphy bed. Shown (l-r) are Jay Berkey, Avonda Cannon and Leon Lo.

Cathy Basenese, ReStore project manager, asks for a show of hands how many people shop, volunteer and donate to ReStore.

Mark Quigley, (l-r) former ReStore manager, Rosemary Lilly, and Brian Shannon, Laurel Redevelopment Corporation, enjoy the hors d’oeuvres.