
Reviewing the letters policy

September 27, 2024

If the primary election is any indication, the Cape Region’s voters will be expressing their support for one or several political candidates ahead of the Tuesday, Nov. 5 general election. 

The Cape Gazette has always had a robust Viewpoints section. Unlike most publications in the country, we dedicate a significant amount of space to letting our readers share their thoughts on a variety of topics, including political races ranging from town commissions to Sussex County Council to statewide and congressional positions. 

As the general election draws near, we want to remind our readers of deadlines and guidelines for submitting letters to the editor. For election-related letters, we will welcome submissions up until 2 p.m., Friday, Oct. 25. Letters received after this deadline will not be published, either in our print edition or online.

Given the high volume of letters we typically receive during election season, we cannot guarantee that every submission will make it into the print edition. However, rest assured that all letters received before the deadline will be featured on, ensuring your voice is heard in our digital community.

To facilitate the process, please adhere to our standard letters to the editor policy: First, each letter must include a valid phone number and address for verification purposes. We ask that letters remain concise, capped at 500 words, and we reserve the right to edit for both content and length. We also limit authors to one letter every 30 days to encourage a diverse range of perspectives.

Letters should be original. If a candidate provides talking points, take the time to personalize your letter. 

Last, but not least, be respectful. Whether it’s disagreeing with another letter writer or opposing a candidate’s stance on a particular issue, articulate your point in a civil manner.  

By working within these guidelines, Cape Region residents can share a nonpartisan platform to engage in respectful and meaningful dialogue as we approach this pivotal election.

  • Editorials are considered and written by Cape Gazette Editorial Board members, including Publisher Chris Rausch, Editor Jen Ellingsworth, News Editor Nick Roth and reporters Ron MacArthur and Chris Flood. 

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