Route 16 interchange closer to construction

Two major projects within a mile of each other along Route 1 north of Lewes are nearing the construction phase.
Right-of-way acquisition is expected to be completed this summer on the Route 16-Route 1 interchange project, followed by bid advertisement. “Once the project is awarded, we’ll have a better sense of when the actual construction will begin,” said Charles “C.R.” McLeod, Delaware Department of Transportation director of communications.
McLeod said some tree clearing and utility relocation will be ongoing throughout the summer and fall in preparation for roadwork.
The Rookery Golf Club, located near the intersection, will be required to relocate a portion of a cart path and a sand trap on the par-5 18th hole to install a safety net between the course and the northbound Route 1 off-ramp. Lank Road, which connects Route 1 and Broadkill Road beside the golf course, will be removed.
The intersection was identified in 2013 as a high-crash area, with public hearings taking place in 2016.
As part of the project, at the request of the Five Points working group, DelDOT conducted a study of Route 1 median crossovers in the area. Nine unsignalized crossovers were identified for safety improvements, including closure of the Route 1-Reynolds Road crossover. Projects include a mix of improvements to acceleration lanes and removal of dangerous turning movements.
The intersections include Route 5, Reynolds Road, Deep Branch Road, Hudson Road-Steamboat Landing Road, Cave Neck Road, Minos Conaway Road, Nassau Road-Janice Road, and Tulip Drive.
Two other major interchange projects are scheduled south of Route 16. Construction is expected take place at Minos Conaway Road and Route 1 in 2023-25, and Cave Neck Road and Route 1 in 2025-26.
In addition, deck work on the two Route 1 bridges over the Broadkill River is expected to begin this October. McLeod said the bridge where work is occurring will be closed to traffic, with motorists diverted to the other bridge, which will carry two-way traffic.
The project includes replacement of decking, beams and joints, and substructure work under the bridges.
For more information on the bridge project, go to
For more information on Route 1 median crossover projects, go to