
Russ Huxtable has our back

June 28, 2024

Turns out that loud noise we’ve all been hearing is actually the sound of Sussex County bursting at the seams! To that end, I write in support of the re-election of Sen. Russ Huxtable

A decade of unprecedented and unrestricted growth has yielded a deleterious effect on county resources, be it roads, schools, medical care, our environment or affordable housing.  And we are reaching a tipping point.

Remedies for the problems facing Sussex cannot be solved solely by local government, but through a strong alliance of state, county and municipal leaders with the courage to take action.

We’re lucky we already have that kind of staunch advocate in Dover in Sen. Russ Huxtable, a forward-thinking, principled legislator absolutely devoted to community service.

Russ is seeking a second term in the state Senate, and the achievements of his first two years in office merit his re-election. He was not a shy freshman; he hit the ground running and ensured his (our) voice was heard on important legislation addressing women’s healthcare rights, affordable housing, education and the environment. And he’s ready to do more.

He has our backs. We need to back Russ!

Charles Manor
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