
Saliba: A candidate for all in Lewes

April 2, 2021

I have been approached a few times about the March 26 Cape Gazette story regarding my candidacy for Lewes City Council.   I unfortunately gave the impression to some citizens I was running to only serve the Lewes Beach area. This was my fault. I should have been clearer in my comments.

I do currently live in the Lewes Beach residential area, and the Lewes Beach parking issues were a catalyst for me launching my campaign.  

But make no mistake, all of Lewes is very special to me; I grew up near Shields Elementary, and watched and learned from mayors Stango, Adams, Smith, Ford, and now Becker.  I admired their ability to balance the interests of various stakeholders.  City managers Ronnie Donovan and Elaine Bisbee were also instrumental in allowing Lewes to grow while maintaining its sense of community and charm.

Nevertheless, as the lowest-lying state, we face challenges such as sea level rise and quality drinking water. Like most other municipalities, we also have infrastructure needs – roads, bridges, water, sewer, others.   

Lewes and the State of Delaware also have a unique, some would say a “once in a lifetime” opportunity, with Delawareans holding key positions in Washington, D.C.  

Of course there is President Joe Biden, but lesser known are Sen. Tom Carper as chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Sen. Chris Coons serving on the Senate Appropriations Committee, and Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester who serves on the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee.  All are in the majority, albeit a narrow one. 

Still, this affords them an important edge in potentially securing federal funding to help us address these important issues. The Biden administration and Congress will soon be considering various infrastructure proposals.  Whether I am elected or not, I am committed to our community, and intend to collaborate with local and state leaders and our congressional delegation to ensure our interests are effectively represented.

I look forward to engaging with you and other fellow citizens.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at with any questions or concerns.

Khalil Saliba
Lewes City Council
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