
Saunders and Thier offer results, not rants

July 26, 2024

A letter to the editor in the July 19 edition asked why asking questions about city government was perceived as negative. This letter misses the point: asking questions is a positive, and being involved in government is a noble effort. 

But personal attacks on our commissioners, both in public meetings and in emails, and spreading rumors that have no basis in fact, are not positive. They reflect the negative and unfortunate mood of the country right now. What we need is civil political discourse. We need results, not rants.  

The two candidates who are serious about offering answers and solutions are Mark Saunders and Craig Thier. They both have the experience and skill to be productive members of the city commission. Instead of always pointing out the negatives, they have volunteered to serve the city on committees and commissions and leading the Rehoboth Beach Homeowners Association. 

We need serious commissioners for serious times. That is why I encourage all my neighbors to vote for Craig Thier and Mark Saunders, either on election day Saturday, Aug. 10, or by absentee ballot.

John Bisch
Rehoboth Beach
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