
Saunders and Thier will lead Rehoboth into the future

August 2, 2024

Every election is important. Whether a national election or a local election, it is the time we can make our voices and our concerns known. We need to pay attention to what we hear from candidates, sort out what is true and what sounds like a hollow promise, and then use our power to vote.

This year, I have listened carefully to the candidates for Rehoboth Beach city commissioner, and two candidates stand out as the right people for the right time. Our city is facing many challenges, and Mark Saunders and Craig Thier are the candidates who will actually get things done to improve our city. Rehoboth is a wonderful place to live, work and visit, but every city can always improve. Craig and Mark have carefully listened to citizens and have real solutions to move us forward. I have been very impressed by each of them.

I encourage all my friends and neighbors to vote for Craig Thier and Mark Saunders, leaders who have the experience and expertise to take us into a better future for the city we love.

Lynne Davis Myers
Rehoboth Beach


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