This letter goes to all the registered voters in the City of Rehoboth Beach. Over a month ago, I threw my hat into the ring as a candidate for city commissioner. And it has been one of the most interesting and invigorating months of my life. I have attended and participated in numerous political discussions. I've heard ideas that I've long championed, and others I have disagreed with.
I have met with many wonderful people and I believe I have made friendships that will last way beyond this election. Most of all, I have learned a lot.
I have learned what the people of Rehoboth want and expect from a leader. I have learned they want to be counted. I have learned people want to be informed. And, most of all, they want their opinions to be heard and respected as the city moves forward.
The City of Rehoboth Beach has had many challenges in the past, and some, like overbuilding and commercialization of our residential areas, continue to be a problem today. We will also soon need to focus on future additional challenges like water runoff, repairs to our aging infrastructure, as well as keeping our businesses healthy with enormous construction projects looming all over town. But we can do it. We can move forward and still maintain the charm and scale that is our brand. We can and must remain the premier coastal town in Delaware. I'd go as far as to say it is our obligation.
So how can you help this election week? You can and really should look at all four candidates running for office and choose carefully the two who you think bring the most to the new board of commissioners. I think all four have experience and talents, and all four have the willingness to serve. I urge every voter to make difficult choices. You get two votes, and I think you have an obligation to use them both. Pick your first and second choice, thus assuring the candidates most often chosen for first or second place will be successful.
Whether it be me, or whether it be two others, I appreciate you l taking the time and diligence to come down to the convention center on or before Saturday, Aug. 10, and make your two votes count. Thank you.