
Schaeffer supports Chorman for DEC board

June 28, 2024

I am writing to express my enthusiastic endorsement of Jeff Chorman for the At-Large 2 seat on the Delaware Electric Cooperative board.

I have known Jeff for many years, and his lifelong dedication to our community has always impressed me. Since 2019, Jeff has served on the Sussex County Board of Adjustment, including the past two years as chairman. His leadership and integrity in this role have been exemplary, demonstrating his commitment to fair and balanced decision-making.

Jeff’s professional background in agricultural aviation (crop dusting) across Sussex and Kent counties has given him a deep connection to our agricultural community. He understands the unique challenges and needs of our farmers and has consistently advocated for their best interests.

I firmly believe that Jeff Chorman’s experience, dedication and understanding of our community make him the ideal candidate for the Delaware Electric Cooperative board. Please join me in supporting Jeff Chorman to represent us and ensure our voices are heard.

Join the rest of our community and vote for Jeff Chorman Aug. 13. Go to and vote for Jeff Chorman.

Mark Schaeffer
District 3 councilman
Sussex County Council

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