Schell Brothers wins accolades at prestigious Nationals awards
Each year, Schell Brothers strives to set the company apart by spreading its mission of happiness.
The team spends countless hours designing marketing campaigns, creating innovative floor plans and building lasting homes for its customers. Schell Brothers’ passion is happy homeowners, and the company has been nationally recognized for its efforts.
This year, Schell Brothers received 10 awards at the 2021 Nationals, the top awards ceremony in North America for new home builders. The company received two Gold Awards and eight Silver Awards, vying with thousands of other companies from the United States and Canada.
Gold Awards went to Alyssa Titus, Marketing Professional of The Year for Building/Developer, and Project Kudos - Feeding Delaware, Building Industry Community Spirit Award.
Schell received Silver Awards for Home is Where The Heart Is, Best Print Campaign - Series of Ads (2 or more); Life Ain't So Ruff, Best 30-60-second Commercial (Broadcast or YouTube); Project Kudos - Feeding Delaware, Best Video - Long format - over 1 minute; Locals Supporting Locals, Best Social Media Campaign; New Normal, Best Digital Marketing Campaign; Mobile Marketing Unit, Best Sales/Leasing Center; and Tidewater Landing - The Mayberry, Best Interior Merchandising of Model Priced $375,000 to $500,000.