
SDARJ condemns latest antisemitic act

December 27, 2022

The holiday season extols the sentiment “on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” Yet, here in Sussex County, that peace was shattered yet again when another antisemitic act took place in the eastern side of the county Dec. 18, as reported by a letter to the editor in the Cape Gazette. Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice is concerned about and condemns these ongoing antisemitic activities that continue to plague our Sussex County communities. It is no longer good enough to pay lip service to expressions of outrage, but instead, local and state officials need to respond more aggressively in identifying the culprits of this hateful behavior and act more assertively to enforce the laws designed to eliminate this festering sore in our community. And what is even more egregious is that the silence of the community and the lack of action implies indifference and complicity to the behavior. It was only a few years ago that when the nativity manger was removed from downtown Rehoboth, there was an avalanche of indignation and a demand for action from the same community that seems to whisper its disdain when it comes to antisemitic acts. 

It is so sad to know that Alan and Leslie Slan, who made the attempt to share the joy and beauty of Hanukkah with their neighbors were instead greeted with the ugliness of hate. Yet, despite these assaults, the Slans are known for the many hours of volunteer work they happily give to the community. They are gracious, good people who are sensitive to the need for all of us to surround ourselves with love and respect for one another, and, as their letter to the editor demonstrated, not to perpetuate the hate by responding in kind. They share their time and invest their energy by joining many groups who share the vision of eliminating racism in all its forms. They have been active, vocal members of the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice, an organization that works diligently to bring visibility and voice to Black Americans in our community who continue to struggle for equality and access to equal opportunities. While SDARJ applauds the gracious response of the Slans, it condemns the hatred of those individuals and groups whose negative behavior contributes nothing but ongoing willful ignorance and meaningless assaults on others.

SDARJ is proud to support community members like the Slans and will always speak out against such blatant disrespect for that which makes us singular and human. The winter holidays of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza are reminders that peace and goodwill toward all are universal and timeless. The true gifts of the season are tolerance and acceptance. Hate cheapens those gifts and spoils the charity of heart. 

Charlotte King
Chair, SDARJ
Paulette Rappa
Administrative assistant, SDARJ
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