
Sharon Collins earns Beebe Medical Center's You Make A Difference Award

November 8, 2011

Beebe Medical Center has honored Sharon Collins, purchasing assistant, with the You Make a Difference Award for September.

The Purchasing Department has contact with departments throughout the hospital, as well as with the many businesses that supply Beebe Medical Center, and often has to respond quickly to time-sensitive requests.

Collins was honored for her exemplary customer service skills. She was also cited for always being positive and courteous to customers who need assistance. She makes sure that Beebe’s departments have the supplies they need when they need them.

Collins' commitment to customer service goes beyond her duties in the Purchasing Department. During the summer, while she was on a lunch break, she noticed a visitor sitting in the lobby area waiting for a ride. At the end of the day, the woman was still waiting to be picked up. Because of Collins' genuine concern for the woman’s well-being, she offered her money to take a bus. However, she instead decided to take the woman home even though it was out of her way, fearing the woman might get lost.

Beebe Medical Center heartily congratulates Collins and has thanked her for her commitment and dedication to quality patient care and to patient safety.

Beebe Medical Center’s You Make a Difference employee recognition program, established in 2002, gives employees the opportunity to recognize their colleagues for outstanding service. The program is similar to an employee of the month program, but 18 employees can be selected annually. Each nomination, which may be submitted by fellow employees or management, must meet criteria developed by the committee. The You Make a Difference Review Board evaluates eligible nominations each month. Winners are announced in a surprise ceremony in which the committee meets in their department and presents the award.

Employees selected for the award receive parking space with sign/plaque for a month; $100 gift certificate to business of choice within Sussex County; letter of congratulations and personal visit from Jeffrey Fried, Beebe president; photo for wall plaque on hall outside of cafeteria; special pin for badge; a letter to team member’s director; and department recognition.




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