
Shore Democrats host Delaware House candidates

June 28, 2024

The Shore Democrats met June 19 and hosted Rep. Kerri Evelyn Harris, D-Dover, and Tracey Miller, candidates for the Delaware House of Representatives.

Harris is running for re-election in the 32nd District and Miller is running for the seat in the 34th District (Camden south to Canterbury) currently held by Lyndon Yearick.

Harris spoke of her efforts for criminal justice reform, raising the minimum wage, and defending educational access and environmental safeguards. Her emphasis continues to be passing people-centered legislation through a campaign based on issues, not character attacks. Harris’ community advocacy and activism speak volumes of her belief that leadership should be based in empathy and sympathy for all.

Raised in a culture of volunteerism and service to others, Miller continues this calling as she runs for state representative. Her campaign emphasizes equity in education, equal access to healthcare for women and children, a thriving workforce and an environment supported by renewable energy. Unity and inclusion serve as the foundation for her service to others, and she hopes to be able to promote these issues in the Legislature.

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