
Smyk is an authentic public servant

November 1, 2022

As a registered Independent free to choose the best candidate for our district, it has become very evident to me that only one candidate for the local state Senate seat here at the beach cares about public service regardless of political affiliations, and that is Steve Smyk.

For weeks now, my mailbox has been filled with mean-spirited and nasty mail about Rep. Smyk sent by the campaign of his opponent, Mr. Russ Huxtable, along with messages from Steve Smyk outlining his accomplishments and plans in a positive manner. The only reason why I can imagine that Mr. Huxtable needs to resort to such negative tactics is because he lacks the accomplishments, experience and name recognition of Rep. Smyk, who has selflessly served our country in the U.S. Army, our state and county in the Delaware State Police, and as our state representative in the Milton and Lewes areas.

I don’t like negative people, and I definitely do not like negative campaigning. Besides being a sign of weakness and flawed intentions, I deeply believe it is wrong to attack someone personally; especially someone who wore a uniform for over 20 years and went out to protect and serve us every day with his family not knowing whether or not he would come back through the front door. Shame on Mr. Huxtable, who has offered nothing to help the real topics facing our district like high food and gas prices, rather bragging about his education and friends in high circles in the Delaware Democratic Party from the Wilmington area. Do not insult our intelligence!

Those who attack others' selfless dedication to home, state and country are typically trying to deflect attention from their own flaws. As we are recently finding out about Mr. Huxtable’s work as a developer over two decades, he indeed had something to hide. I’ll be voting for the authentic public servant in this state Senate race, Steve Smyk, and I hope you will join me as well.

Trey Kraus
Rehoboth Beach
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