
Snyder-Hall will fight for RD 14 citizens

October 18, 2024

Unfortunately, we now live in a world where people like to label their political rivals with words like Communist, Marxist and Socialist. I've been a registered Republican, Independent and Democrat who has consistently voted for the person I felt would do the best job to fit my needs, the needs of the community and who would fight for everyone. That candidate for Delaware's House of Representatives District 14 is Claire Snyder-Hall!  

I met Claire in 2011 after losing a son in Iraq and a five-year court battle that ended up in the U.S. Supreme Court (Snyder v. Phelps). Claire's support and compassion for our active-duty military, veterans and Gold Star families is genuine. Claire is a fighter. I know she will fight for all RD 14 citizens. I've seen her work as director of Common Cause Delaware, a nonpartisan organization that fights for fairness. She is a commonsense, intelligent and strong candidate. For me, Claire is the clear choice as to who will best represent RD 14! 

Al Snyder


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